In R if I just want to test an idea I create a scratch project in /tmp . This will removed automatically on the next boot. This makes it easy to setup scratch folders without leaving much clutter behind. The problem is that the next time you open R after a reboot it will complaint about not finding the previous workspace. I also do the same thing with Markdown files and folders. To help me manage this I have a new_project
bash script in my bin folder that goes like this (only .r and .md versions shown but can easily be extended for your needs)
set -euo pipefail
__usage="usage: new_project name <type>
type can be one of md, r, or any other... and accordingly it should open
and setup different folder structures
name will be the folder name where the project exists.
make_folder () {
mkdir -p "$1"
cd "$1"
project_md (){
make_folder "$1"
local today_file="$(date +%F).md"
if test ! -f "$today_file"; then
touch "$today_file"
open -a "/Applications/Visual Studio" "$today_file"
project_r (){
make_folder "$1"
local today_file="$(date +%F).r"
if test ! -f "$today_file"; then
touch "$today_file"
open -a "/Applications/" "$today_file"
# Start logic bellow this line
if [ "$#" != 2 ]; then
echo "$__usage"
exit 1
if [ "$2" = "r" ]; then
project_r $1
if [ "$2" = "md" ]; then
project_md $1