sixhat's bookmarks

Adding something between the lines

I’ve been fascinated with Japanese furigana. It is a writing system that runs parallel to other kanjis, whose function is mainly to clarify their pronunciation but, in some cases gives sentences another reading dimension that is not existent in other languages.
I was wondering why western languages don’t have anything similar.
The closest think would be annotations in between the written lines, but nowadays with computers that is even more difficult—with typewriters you could half-step the line feed and write those notes—and so this kind of in between the writing seems restricted to pen and paper. Or is it? Although there’s no modern text editor that allows for it, that I’m aware of,in CSS we can simulate it with the following class:

.furigana {
    position: absolute;
    font-size: small;
    transform: translate(-1rem -0.6rem);