Some memory and brain stories this week.

Last week showed up some interesting stories about the Brain secrets, how it works and it stores information:

What are memories made of?

our memories are not inert packets of data and they don’t remain constant. Even though every memory feels like an honest representation, that sense of authenticity is the biggest lie of all. — in Lapidarium notes

The Geometric Structure of the Brain Fiber Pathways

The cerebral fiber pathways formed a rectilinear three-dimensional grid continuous with the three principal axes of development. Cortico-cortical pathways formed parallel sheets of interwoven paths in the longitudinal and medio-lateral axes, in which major pathways were local condensations. — by Wedeen et al.

Segregation and Wiring in the Brain

A mosaic of hundreds of interconnected and microscopically identifiable areas in the human cerebral cortex controls cognition, perception, and behavior. Each area covers up to 40 cm2 of the cortical surface and consists of up to 750 million nerve cells. — by Zilles ans Amunts

Algumas Alternativas ao Matlab

O Matlab é o cavalo de batalha de muitos cientistas e engenheiros, mas há alternativas que podem ser exploradas. Aqui ficam algumas alternativas ao Matlab sem nenhuma ordenação em particular.



JMathLib – Um clone Java do Octave, SciLab e Matlab

TeLa the Tensor Language


Lush (Lisp Universal SHell)





S-Lang library

Python com NumPy e SciPy

The R Project for Statistical Computing – um dos meus favoritos!


A escolha de cada um vai depender muitas vezes de outros factores que não simplesmente as características técnicas de cada programa, sendo que a integração destas ferramentas no ciclo de trabalho normal do cientista e da sua equipa, do tempo para aprendizagem do novo programa/linguagem ou a possibilidade de suporte local ou remoto, poderão eliminar algumas opções. A verdade é que as ferramentas existem, o interessante é que se faz com elas.

Finding communities in networks with R and igraph

Finding communities in networks

Finding communities in networks is a common task under the paradigm of complex systems. Doing it in R is easy. There are several ways to do community partitioning of graphs using very different packages. I’m going to use igraph to illustrate how communities can be extracted from given networks.

igraph is a lovely library to work with graphs. 95% of what you’ll ever need is available in igraph. It has the advantage that the libraries are written in C and are fast as hell.

algorithms for community detection in networks

This algorithm finds densely connected subgraphs by performing random walks. The idea is that random walks will tend to stay inside communities instead of jumping to other communities.

Pascal Pons, Matthieu Latapy: Computing communities in large networks using random walks,

This algorithm is the Girvan-Newman algorithm. It is a divisive algorithm where at each step the edge with the highest betweenness is removed from the graph. For each division you can compute the modularity of the graph. At the end, choose to cut the dendrogram where the process gives you the highest value of modularity.

M Newman and M Girvan: Finding and evaluating community structure in networks, Physical Review E 69, 026113 (2004)

This algorithm is the Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm. In this case the algorithm is agglomerative. At each step two groups merge. The merging is decided by optimising modularity. This is a fast algorithm, but has the disadvantage of being a greedy algorithm. Thus, is might not produce the best overall community partitioning, although I find it useful and accurate.

A Clauset, MEJ Newman, C Moore: Finding community structure in very large networks,

This algorithm uses as spin-glass model and simulated annealing to find the communities inside a network.

J. Reichardt and S. Bornholdt: Statistical Mechanics of Community Detection, Phys. Rev. E, 74, 016110 (2006),

M. E. J. Newman and M. Girvan: Finding and evaluating community structure in networks, Phys. Rev. E 69, 026113 (2004)

An example:

# First we load the ipgrah package
# let's generate two networks and merge them into one graph.
g2 <-, p=2, directed=F)
g1 <-, size=100, nei=5, p=0.05)
g <- graph.union(g1,g2)
# let's remove multi-edges and loops
g <- simplify(g)
# let's see if we have communities here using the 
# Grivan-Newman algorithm
# 1st we calculate the edge betweenness, merges, etc...
ebc <-, directed=F)
# Now we have the merges/splits and we need to calculate the modularity
# for each merge for this we'll use a function that for each edge
# removed will create a second graph, check for its membership and use
# that membership to calculate the modularity
mods <- sapply(0:ecount(g), function(i){
  g2 <- delete.edges(g, ebc$removed.edges[seq(length=i)])
  cl <- clusters(g2)$membership
# March 13, 2014 - compute modularity on the original graph g 
# (Thank you to Augustin Luna for detecting this typo) and not on the induced one g2. 
# we can now plot all modularities
plot(mods, pch=20)
# Now, let's color the nodes according to their membership
g2<-delete.edges(g, ebc$removed.edges[seq(length=which.max(mods)-1)])
# Let's choose a layout for the graph
g$layout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold
# plot it
plot(g, vertex.label=NA)
# if we wanted to use the agorithm we would do
fc <-
com<, fc$merges, steps= which.max(fc$modularity)-1)
V(g)$color <- com$membership+1
g$layout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold
plot(g, vertex.label=NA)

try it!

#pl118 – Is it loosing steam? Some stats on the portuguese copy levy.

Count of #pl118 in twitter The Portuguese private copy levy is still going strong on social networks, but now the discussion seems to have lost a bit of steam. Maybe because the mainstream media hasn’t really picked it up (why?) except for some sporadic entries. In any case it is necessary to keep it strong as the proposal is totally absurd.

Most active users discussing the #pl118

jonasnuts : 412 RuiSeabra : 356 jmcest : 223 ncruz77 : 208 super_nortenho: 173 streetfiteri : 172 paulasimoes : 168 DiogoCMoreira : 160 ZW3I : 122 (Other) :2698

Most used clients to post about the #pl118

web :1617 TweetDeck :1280 HootSuite : 404 Twitter for Mac : 308 Twitter for iPhone : 109 Twitter for iPad : 106 Tweet Button : 103 Echofon : 90 Seesmic : 79 (Other) : 596

(Note: Data for Jan 14th not final, updated the lists to include a few more users and clients.)

Complex Systems Society new Website.

The Complex Systems Society (CSS) is a great organisation. In the past month it revamped 2 of its websites. The more institutional website and is available at On the other hand, the traditional Wiki website where researchers can create their lab pages (or conference pages, personal, etc…). This also got a new facelift and is now more modern and easy to use. If you’re not a CSS member and you are a researcher interested in the areas of complex systems, interdisciplinary research or networks, please join the Society! It’s a great community.

update May 2, 2017 – Some dead links were removed. Text was adjusted accordingly.

Spatio-Temporal Dynamics on Co-Evolved Stigmergy

ECCS11 Spatio-Temporal Dynamics on Co-Evolved Stigmergy Vitorino Ramos David M.S. Rodrigues Jorge Louçã

Vitorino Ramos, David M.S. Rodrigues, Jorge Louçã, “Spatio-Temporal Dynamics on Co-Evolved Stigmergy“, in European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS’11, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 12-16 2011.


Ever tried to solve a problem where its own problem statement is changing constantly? Have a look on our approach:

Abstract: Research over hard NP-complete Combinatorial Optimization Problems (COP’s) has been focused in recent years, on several robust bio-inspired meta-heuristics, like those involving Evolutionary Computation (EC) algorithmic paradigms. One particularly successful well-know meta-heuristic approach is based on Swarm Intelligence (SI), i.e., the self-organized stigmergic-based property of a complex system whereby the collective behaviors of (unsophisticated) entities interacting locally with their environment cause coherent functional global patterns to emerge. This line of research recognized as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), uses a set of stochastic cooperating ant-like agents to find good solutions, using self-organized stigmergy as an indirect form of communication mediated by artificial pheromone, whereas agents deposit pheromone-signs on the edges of the problem-related graph complex network, encompassing a family of successful algorithmic variations such as: Ant Systems (AS), Ant Colony Systems (ACS), Max-Min Ant Systems (MaxMin AS) and Ant-Q.

Albeit being extremely successful these algorithms mostly rely on positive feedback’s, causing excessive algorithmic exploitation over the entire combinatorial search space. This is particularly evident over well known benchmarks as the symmetrical Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Being these systems comprised of a large number of frequently similar components or events, the principal challenge is to understand how the components interact to produce a complex pattern feasible solution (in our case study, an optimal robust solution for hard NP-complete dynamic TSP-like combinatorial problems). A suitable approach is to first understand the role of two basic modes of interaction among the components of Self-Organizing (SO) Swarm-Intelligent-like systems: positive and negative feedback. While positive feedback promotes a snowballing auto-catalytic effect (e.g. trail pheromone upgrading over the network; exploitation of the search space), taking an initial change in a system and reinforcing that change in the same direction as the initial deviation (self-enhancement and amplification) allowing the entire colony to exploit some past and present solutions (environmental dynamic memory), negative feedback such as pheromone evaporation ensure that the overall learning system does not stables or freezes itself on a particular configuration (innovation; search space exploration). Although this kind of (global) delayed negative feedback is important (evaporation), for the many reasons given above, there is however strong assumptions that other negative feedbacks are present in nature, which could also play a role over increased convergence, namely implicit-like negative feedbacks. As in the case for positive feedbacks, there is no reason not to explore increasingly distributed and adaptive algorithmic variations where negative feedback is also imposed implicitly (not only explicitly) over each network edge, while the entire colony seeks for better answers in due time.

In order to overcome this hard search space exploitation-exploration compromise, our present algorithmic approach follows the route of very recent biological findings showing that forager ants lay attractive trail pheromones to guide nest mates to food, but where, the effectiveness of foraging networks were improved if pheromones could also be used to repel foragers from unrewarding routes. Increasing empirical evidences for such a negative trail pheromone exists, deployed by Pharaoh’s ants (Monomorium pharaonis) as a ‘no entry‘ signal to mark unrewarding foraging paths. The new algorithm comprises a second order approach to Swarm Intelligence, as pheromone-based no entry-signals cues, were introduced, co-evolving with the standard pheromone distributions (collective cognitive maps) in the aforementioned known algorithms.

To exhaustively test his adaptive response and robustness, we have recurred to different dynamic optimization problems. Medium-size and large-sized dynamic TSP problems were created. Settings and parameters such as, environmental upgrade frequencies, landscape changing or network topological speed severity, and type of dynamic were tested. Results prove that the present co-evolved two-type pheromone swarm intelligence algorithm is able to quickly track increasing swift changes on the dynamic TSP complex network, compared to standard algorithms.

Keywords: Self-Organization, Stigmergy, Co-Evolution, Swarm Intelligence, Dynamic Optimization, Foraging, Cooperative Learning, Combinatorial Optimization problems, Dynamical Symmetrical Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP).

Fig. – Recovery times over several dynamical stress tests at the fl1577 TSP problem (1577 node graph) – 460 iter max – Swift changes at every 150 iterations (20% = 314 nodes, 40% = 630 nodes, 60% = 946 nodes, 80% = 1260 nodes, 100% = 1576 nodes). [click to enlarge]

From Standard to Second Order Swarm Intelligence Phase-Space Maps

ECCS11 From Standard to Second Order Swarm Intelligence Phase-Space Maps David Rodrigues Jorge Louçã Vitorino Ramos

David M.S. Rodrigues, Jorge Louçã, Vitorino Ramos, “From Standard to Second Order Swarm Intelligence Phase-space maps“, in European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS’11, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 12-16 2011.

Abstract: Standard Stigmergic approaches to Swarm Intelligence encompasses the use of a set of stochastic cooperating ant-like agents to find optimal solutions, using self-organized Stigmergy as an indirect form of communication mediated by a singular artificial pheromone. Agents deposit pheromone-signs on the edges of the problem-related graph to give rise to a family of successful algorithmic approaches entitled Ant Systems (AS), Ant Colony Systems (ACS), among others. These mainly rely on positive feedbacks, to search for an optimal solution in a large combinatorial space. The present work shows how, using two different sets of pheromones, a second-order coevolved compromise between positive and negative feedbacks achieves better results that single positive feedback systems. This follows the route of very recent biological findings showing that forager ants, while laying attractive trail pheromones to guide nest mates to food, also gained foraging effectiveness by the use of pheromones that repelled foragers from unrewarding routes. The algorithm presented here takes inspiration from this biological observation.

The new algorithm was exhaustively tested on a series of well-known benchmarks over hard NP-complete Combinatorial Optimization Problems (COP’s), running on symmetrical Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP). Different network topologies and stress tests were conducted over low-size TSP’s (eil51.tsp; eil78.tsp; kroA100.tsp), medium-size (d198.tsp; lin318.tsp; pcb442.tsp; att532.tsp; rat783.tsp) as well as large sized ones (fl1577.tsp; d2103.tsp) [numbers here referring to the number of nodes in the network]. We show that the new co-evolved stigmergic algorithm compared favorably against the benchmark. The algorithm was able to equal or majorly improve every instance of those standard algorithms, not only in the realm of the Swarm Intelligent AS, ACS approach, as in other computational paradigms like Genetic Algorithms (GA), Evolutionary Programming (EP), as well as SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) and SA (Simulated Annealing). In order to deeply understand how a second co-evolved pheromone was useful to track the collective system into such results, a refined phase-space map was produced mapping the pheromones ratio between a pure Ant Colony System (where no negative feedback besides pheromone evaporation is present) and the present second-order approach. The evaporation rate between different pheromones was also studied and its influence in the outcomes of the algorithm is shown. A final discussion on the phase-map is included. This work has implications in the way large combinatorial problems are addressed as the double feedback mechanism shows improvements over the single-positive feedback mechanisms in terms of convergence speed and of major results.

Keywords: Stigmergy, Co-Evolution, Self-Organization, Swarm Intelligence, Foraging, Cooperative Learning, Combinatorial Optimization problems, Symmetrical Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP), phase-space.