Some notes:
Zurich today has a beautiful sun spying on us. It was fun to get its warmth during lunch…
Don’t understand what is going on with my bank. Can’t get more than 100 Swiss Francs (~80€) each time I try to withdraw some money. It has to be something with the Swiss banks as I used this card in other countries and I managed to withdraw higher values… So… Swiss banks don’t really want me spending money here, and 100 CHF isn’t any REAL Money… for Swiss terms…
We had today a kind of team building social game that was very interesting and went then with the team to drink some beers in a tapas bar. We then moved on to a (I presume) typical folk music bar from Switzerland (you can see a short video above). They told me that this was the first time that they had this type of event inside the team, and I think that by the success of it they will repeat it again.
Finally … It’s still cold… Argh… but worse than the cold is the wall you hit when you move from 1 room at 22ºC to the outside at 2ºC. It’s something I won’t get used, ever…
Science/geek stuff… yesterday I was here (If you know what this is, I’ll give you a Swiss cheese), and today I was briefed a bit about Brutus! LOL, Fun times…