We investigate the collective dynamics of bursting neurons on clustered network. The clustered network is composed of subnetworks each presenting a small-world property, and in a given subnetwork each neuron has a probability to be connected to the other subnetworks. We give bounds for the critical coupling strength to obtain global burst synchronization in terms of the network structure, i.e., intracluster and intercluster probabilities connections. As the heterogeneity in the network is reduced the network global synchronization is improved. We show that the transitions to global synchrony may be abrupt or smooth depending on the intercluster probability.by C. A. S. Batista, R. V. Nunes, A. M. Batista, R. L. Viana, S. R. Lopes, T. Pereira: Global synchronization of bursting neurons in clustered networks.
liked the network of small-world networks approach with two different probabilities, but found it to simple for the brain comparison, although the entanglement of the brain is probably such that only through simple models one can try to grasp its mechanisms.