The Observatorium – The structure of news: topic monitoring in online media with mutual information

Rodrigues, D. (accepted to ECCS’10); The Observatorium – The structure of news: topic monitoring in online media with mutual information

Abstract: Large, real time text classification systems are becoming a popular topic. We present a method for automatically extracting correlated news from online media using a dynamic similarity graph and use the variation of information as a measure to identify topics, lifespan and key terms. The presented method has the advantage of requiring no human intervention or training and having no pre-assigned categories because they emerge from the dynamics of the generated network.

Excelente notícia! Tinha alguma fé neste paper, ainda por cima sendo o ECCS’10 em casa, mas existe sempre alguma tensão nestas coisas… de ter os papers reviewed… tive algumas críticas que serão naturalmente corrigidas a tempo da conferência.

É bom começar a semana assim.